This page was last updated February 24 2025. The site can have synchronization issues, so refresh a few times when opening any page to have the most updated version. Most videos have notes, which can be seen by clicking on the drop-down icon next to each video’s title. You can also turn dark mode on or off anytime on a computer with the shortcut: cmd/ctrl
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The highlighted videos are the most highest yielding videos. I realize this page is very long and likely overwhelming, so those videos are the most essential on this page.
Here is another Guide that someone within the HG community put together - it's really great (more complete than what I’ve put together) and has notes! Here is the guide itself, and a user manual.
Much of this page is about learning how to focus, particularly when studying or doing creative work. But I do believe that the principles discussed on this page apply to all scenarios of amotivation. Certainly with issues studying and doing creative work like writing, but additionally with struggles like improving sleep hygiene, exercising more, eating healthy, etc..
Oftentimes our addictions can get in the way of feeling motivated, whether it’s the time spent with the addiction itself, or the inability to act after doing the addicting behavior because our mind is dulled or our body feeling fatigued and miserable. I’m confident the resources on this page can help everyone understand why they are drawn to those behaviors, and how to break free of them. Additionally, the sources highlighted in yellow are the highest yielding videos/articles.